26 Oct 2015 (Mon) |
Dear Parents,
The Committee received one nomination as at the close of the nomination period for the IMC Parent Manager election. Mr. LAI Chi Kai Simon was the sole nominee and he obtained the necessary valid nominations. Therefore I am pleased to report that Mr. LAI Chi Kai Simon will automatically be recommended to register as the IMC Parent Manager for the year 2015-2016.
Brief introduction of Mr. LAI Chi Kai Simon:
"I have been a LSCPTA committee member for the past three years (since 2012/13) and have held the post of Honorary Treasurer for the last two years (2013/14-2014/15). This year (2015-2016) I am the Vice-Chairman of the PTA. I am an IT professional. I am also an old boy of the 'Class of 81'. In my school days I was an active member of the St. John Ambulance Brigade of La Salle College and became the Divisional Officer between 1994 and 2002."
Thank you for your attention.
Yours Sincerely,
Ms. Shirley WONG
Chairperson, LSCPTA