News & Events
20 Jan 2018 (Sat)
PTA Parent Education Seminar – ‘Making the HKDSE Subject Choices and Beyond’


Dear Parents and Students,

Sometimes in life, we all have to make difficult choices.  This is especially so when we help our son or ourselves in choosing the elective subjects in senior secondary education.  Despite that there are various wise words and suggestions attainable from seniors, in our mind there are still numerous queries and struggles such as “Should my boy / I make the choices accordingly to his/my ability and interest, or to follow preference of his/my friends?”  “Should he/I stay within the accustomed and commonly preferred subjects or to leave the trend and find his/my own way?” …

To help parents and students releasing their pressure, our first PTA parent education seminar of the year has long been on this very important topic.  In the upcoming seminar Mrs. Florence CHOW, the Career Mistress of La Salle College, will be sharing with parents and students on how to make these difficult choices.  Mrs. Chow will also be leading a sharing session of a group of recent graduates who are now pursuing their tertiary education in areas ranging from Education, Global China Studies, Law, to Land Surveying.


Details of this seminar are as follows:

Date: 20 January 2018, (Saturday)

Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm

Venue: School Hall, LG2, La Salle College


        2:00 - 2:30pm: Reception

        2:30 - 3:15pm: Presentation by Mrs. CHOW and sharing session of recent old boys              

        3:15 - 4:00pm: Q&A

Language of presentation: Cantonese (student translators will be available)


Please do not miss this opportunity to learn some of the broader issues in making subject choices for Form 4 and the HKDSE.   This talk is also useful for parents and students of junior forms (F.1 to F.3) to gain useful information in preparing and planning for future education.  Parents and students are all welcome to attend.  

Interested parents p
lease register via eClass on or before Sunday 14 January 2018.  For enquiries please contact Mr. CHAN Tong, Home-School Coordinator, at



Thank you for your support and looking forward to seeing you at the seminar.  






在日常生活中,我們經常要作出抉擇而在面對高中選科時,我們尤感困難。雖然前人已留下不少寶貴的經驗,但我們仍充滿困惑和矛盾, 譬如我的孩子或我應該根據自己的興趣和能力選科,還是跟隨朋友們的意願?我們應該脫離主流的取態、尋找自己的路向,還是依循傳統而選擇廣受認同的學科?





日期:二零一八年一月二十日 (星期六)



程序: 下午二時至二時三十分 -  

             下午二時三十分至三時十五分 -  講座(由周太和近年喇沙畢業生主持

             下午三時十五分至四時正 -  答問環節



是次講座能為初中家長及同學提供有用的升學資訊, 為升學作好準備,請勿錯過這寶貴的機會,踴躍報名參加。請於一月十四日(星期日)或之前,透過「電子教室」家長戶口報名。




Yours Faithfully,

Shirley WONG 黄淑華

Chairperson, LSCPTA 喇沙書院 家長教師會主席

TONG Wun Sing 唐煥星

Principal  喇沙書院校長

(This is an electronic document and it does not require a signature.)


P.S. La Salle College Parent Teacher Association (LSCPTA) reserves the right to use any photos, records, videos, literacy, or likewise, obtained at any event organized by LSCPTA for any equitable purposes.   Such LSCPTA purposes include publications or other media material produced or used by LSCPTA including but not limited to: brochures, invitations, boards, newsletter, websites, etc.   Your consent for this may be assumed unless we have received a written objection beforehand.


備註: 喇沙書院家長教師會擁有合理權利,將任何在活動中,所拍攝、生產、製作之照片、錄像、錄音、文字、及其它形式的紀錄,以適當的方式,轉載或列印在其網頁、刋物、或其產品上。若有異議,請在活動舉行前以書面通知家長教師會。


News & Events

20 Jan 2018
PTA Parent Education Seminar – ‘Making the HKDSE Subject Choices and Beyond’


Dear Parents and Students,

Sometimes in life, we all have to make difficult choices.  This is especially so when we help our son or ourselves in choosing the elective subjects in senior secondary education.  Despite that there are various wise words and suggestions attainable from seniors, in our mind there are still numerous queries and struggles such as “Should my boy / I make the choices accordingly to his/my ability and interest, or to follow preference of his/my friends?”  “Should he/I stay within the accustomed and commonly preferred subjects or to leave the trend and find his/my own way?” …

To help parents and students releasing their pressure, our first PTA parent education seminar of the year has long been on this very important topic.  In the upcoming seminar Mrs. Florence CHOW, the Career Mistress of La Salle College, will be sharing with parents and students on how to make these difficult choices.  Mrs. Chow will also be leading a sharing session of a group of recent graduates who are now pursuing their tertiary education in areas ranging from Education, Global China Studies, Law, to Land Surveying.


Details of this seminar are as follows:

Date: 20 January 2018, (Saturday)

Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm

Venue: School Hall, LG2, La Salle College


        2:00 - 2:30pm: Reception

        2:30 - 3:15pm: Presentation by Mrs. CHOW and sharing session of recent old boys              

        3:15 - 4:00pm: Q&A

Language of presentation: Cantonese (student translators will be available)


Please do not miss this opportunity to learn some of the broader issues in making subject choices for Form 4 and the HKDSE.   This talk is also useful for parents and students of junior forms (F.1 to F.3) to gain useful information in preparing and planning for future education.  Parents and students are all welcome to attend.  

Interested parents p
lease register via eClass on or before Sunday 14 January 2018.  For enquiries please contact Mr. CHAN Tong, Home-School Coordinator, at



Thank you for your support and looking forward to seeing you at the seminar.  






在日常生活中,我們經常要作出抉擇而在面對高中選科時,我們尤感困難。雖然前人已留下不少寶貴的經驗,但我們仍充滿困惑和矛盾, 譬如我的孩子或我應該根據自己的興趣和能力選科,還是跟隨朋友們的意願?我們應該脫離主流的取態、尋找自己的路向,還是依循傳統而選擇廣受認同的學科?





日期:二零一八年一月二十日 (星期六)



程序: 下午二時至二時三十分 -  

             下午二時三十分至三時十五分 -  講座(由周太和近年喇沙畢業生主持

             下午三時十五分至四時正 -  答問環節



是次講座能為初中家長及同學提供有用的升學資訊, 為升學作好準備,請勿錯過這寶貴的機會,踴躍報名參加。請於一月十四日(星期日)或之前,透過「電子教室」家長戶口報名。




Yours Faithfully,

Shirley WONG 黄淑華

Chairperson, LSCPTA 喇沙書院 家長教師會主席

TONG Wun Sing 唐煥星

Principal  喇沙書院校長

(This is an electronic document and it does not require a signature.)


P.S. La Salle College Parent Teacher Association (LSCPTA) reserves the right to use any photos, records, videos, literacy, or likewise, obtained at any event organized by LSCPTA for any equitable purposes.   Such LSCPTA purposes include publications or other media material produced or used by LSCPTA including but not limited to: brochures, invitations, boards, newsletter, websites, etc.   Your consent for this may be assumed unless we have received a written objection beforehand.


備註: 喇沙書院家長教師會擁有合理權利,將任何在活動中,所拍攝、生產、製作之照片、錄像、錄音、文字、及其它形式的紀錄,以適當的方式,轉載或列印在其網頁、刋物、或其產品上。若有異議,請在活動舉行前以書面通知家長教師會。


18 La Salle Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Copyright © 2015 La Salle College Parent Teacher Association.
All rights reserved.