05 May 2018 (Sat) |
Dear Parents,
As in the ancient text of Vimalakirti Sutra《維摩詰經》has once put it very well: "My sickness comes from ignorance (delusion / illusory thoughts / afflictions)" 「從癡有愛則我病生」. Cen
In no doubt that our boys are in their utmost important period of transcending their young minds into adulthood, and hence, as parents, we have to be able to promptly identify different variations of the mental development of our boys so that we can seek the right support and professional services for them in the early stage if necessary.
Knowing that our kids are not the same as we are, and the world has gone through big changes that it is now definitely not the same world we have experienced when we were kids, our past ways of handling our own different variations of "growing pains" may not so be directly applicable anymore.
In view of this, PTA is very honoured to have our distinguished old boy Dr. Henry CHEUNG to deliver our second parents education seminar of the year, on related psychiatric issues.
Please see below a short biography of our speaker Dr. Henry CHEUNG:
"Dr. Cheung graduated from La Salle College in 1987. He was admitted into HKU after his A-Level exam. Subsequent to obtaining his MBBS, he received training in the Department of Psychiatry of Castle Peak Hospital and University of Hong Kong. He started his practice in 2015 and his major interest is ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder)."
Details of this seminar are as follows:
Date: 5 May 2018 (Saturday)
Time: 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Venue: School Hall, LG2, La Salle College
Scope of the talk:
1. General introduction;
2. Neurosis: mood disorder such as depression, neurosis, OCD;
3. Psychosis: schizophrenia, drug induced, bipolar disorder;
4. Impulse control disorder such as internet addiction;
5. Suicide (causes, prevention and management);
6. Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD); &
7. Common medications used for mood problem.
Language of presentation: Cantonese
All parents are cordially invited to join this seminar. Interested parents please register via eClass on or before Thursday 3 May 2018.
For enquiries, please feel free to contact Mr. Chan Tong, our Home-School Coordinator, at chan.t@lasalle.edu.hk .
如《維摩詰經》所述:「從癡有愛則我病生」,這箴言與現今的流行心理學理論 "What Consumes Your Mind, Controls Your Life" 有著異曲同工之意。在中學時期,我們的兒子正經歷思想改變的重要階段;作為父母,定必明白現今孩子的成長過程和我們過去所經歷的有著天淵之別。為協助兒子的精神健康得以正常發展,我們必須學習有關的專業知識。有見及此,喇沙書院家長教師會邀請了舊生張漢奇醫生,為家長們講解有關精神健康的問題,詳情如下:
1. 基本概論;
2. 精神官能症: 情緒失控,如抑鬱症、精神官能症、強迫症等;
3. 思覺失調: 精神分裂症、藥物誘發的病症,躁鬱症;
4. 衝動控制障礙: 如上網成癮;
5. 自毀傾向(成因、預防及處理);
6. 專注力失調及過度活躍症; 及
7. 醫治情緒病常用的藥物 。
Yours Faithfully,
Shirley WONG 黄淑華
Chairperson, LSCPTA 喇沙書院 家長教師會主席
TONG Wun Sing 唐煥星
Principal 喇沙書院校長
(This is an electronic document and it does not require a signature.)
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