News & Events
06 Sep 2019 (Fri)
The 26th Annual General Meeting and Standing Committee 2019-2020 Election

Please click here to see the 26th LSCPTA Standing Committee Election – Self-introduction of Candidates

 Please click Event Report to see the AGM agenda




Dear PTA members,


Please be advised that the 26th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the La Salle College Parent Teacher Association (LSCPTA) will be held on 6 September 2019 (Friday).  Attached please find the agenda for your reference.  In the AGM, the Financial Report and Annual Report of the Year 2018-2019 will be presented.  For details of LSCPTA and her constitution, please visit:


We would also like to take this opportunity to invite you to stand for the Standing Committee Election.   May we encourage all parents and teachers to do your best to attend the AGM in order to show your support, and to vote for those parents that can best serve LSCPTA. 


The College has been implementing eLearning to enhance students’ learning and efficiency of teaching.  To allow parents to attain an understanding about pedagogy regarding eLearning as well as relevant precautions and necessary support that you should provide, a short presentation on eLearning and guidelines families may wish to implement at home will be conducted during the vote counting at the AGM.


Interested parents who would like to join the Standing Committee Election please refer to the procedure and deadlines as follows:

·         Deadline of application:  noon, 2 September 2019 (Monday)

·         Returning Officer: Mr. Joseph HUI Wai Keung (Vice-Principal - Academic)

·         Methods of submission:

(1)   Via Reply slip of this eNotice;

(2)   Via emails, with necessary information, to Mr. CHAN Tong, Home-School Coordinator, at; or

(3)   Hard copy to the School Office.

·         Election notes:

(1)   Candidates should provide a written self-introduction (within 150 words in English or 300 words in Chinese) which will serve as solo official promotion to voters and will be posted up on the LSCPTA web site.).

(2)   Candidates are to conduct an oral self-introduction (within 2 minutes, either in English or Chinese) on stage on the Election Day.  

(3)   Candidates who can't attend the Election in person can send us a short video clip (within 2 minutes, either in English or Chinese, in MP3 or MP4 format) to be broadcast on the Election Day, if they prefer.

(4)   The Election will be conducted on one-parent/guardian-one-vote basis, in accordance with the new constitution.

(5)  Any enquiries, complaints or appeals related to the Election will be handled by the College.  The College retains the rights in interpretation of election documents and procedure, and in making final discretion.


 Our Home-School Coordinator, Mr CHAN Tong, will contact candidates on 2 September 2019 (Monday) for confirmation.  If candidates have not been contacted, they are to approach Mr. CHAN Tong at +852 9418 5911 on 3 September 2019 (Tuesday).  Candidates’ written self-introductions will be posted up on the LSCPTA web site starting from 3 September 2019 (Tuesday) for voters’ reference.


All PTA members are invited to attend the 26th Annual General Meeting & Standing Committee 2019-2020 Election on 6 September 2019 (Fri) to show support for the PTA.  

Thank you for your kind attention and generous support!

注意: 本通告只發給喇沙書院家長教師會會員,如閣下並非本會會員,











·         截止報名參選日期及時間:二零一九年九月二日(星期一)中午十二時

·         選舉主任:許偉強副校長(學務)

·         報名參選方法:

(1)  填妥在本電子通告的相關回條;

(2)  透過電郵遞交給本校家校合作主任陳唐老師(電郵地址:;或

(3)  將參選申請表親身遞交至本校校務處。

·         參選須知:

(1)  參選者須提交一份自我介紹(英文150字之內或中文300字之內),此自我介紹將會是選舉中唯一宣傳品。

(2)  參選者在選舉日將在台上作一段不超過兩分鐘的自我介紹(中文或英語) 

(3)  若參選者在選舉日未能親自出席,可選擇提交一段不超過兩分鐘的自我介紹短片(中文或英語,MP3 MP4 格式),此短片將在選舉日播出。

(4)  是次選舉將根據家長教師會新憲章進行,每位已在學校註冊的家長會員和老師會員都擁有一票投票權。

(5) 有關選舉條文的闡釋,選舉投訴或上訴等事務,將由喇沙書院校方秉公處理並作最終的解釋及決定。


陳唐老師將於二零一九年九月二日(星期一)聯絡報名參選的家長,以作確認;若參選者於當日仍未收到通知,請於二零一九年九月三日(星期二)致電 +852 9418 5911 與陳唐老師聯絡。參選者的自我介紹,將於二零一九年九月三日(星期二),上載於喇沙書院家長教師會網頁,以供家長參考。




Yours faithfully,


TONG Wun Sing 唐煥星


Principal, La Salle College  喇沙書院校長


News & Events

06 Sep 2019
The 26th Annual General Meeting and Standing Committee 2019-2020 Election

Please click here to see the 26th LSCPTA Standing Committee Election – Self-introduction of Candidates

 Please click Event Report to see the AGM agenda




Dear PTA members,


Please be advised that the 26th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the La Salle College Parent Teacher Association (LSCPTA) will be held on 6 September 2019 (Friday).  Attached please find the agenda for your reference.  In the AGM, the Financial Report and Annual Report of the Year 2018-2019 will be presented.  For details of LSCPTA and her constitution, please visit:


We would also like to take this opportunity to invite you to stand for the Standing Committee Election.   May we encourage all parents and teachers to do your best to attend the AGM in order to show your support, and to vote for those parents that can best serve LSCPTA. 


The College has been implementing eLearning to enhance students’ learning and efficiency of teaching.  To allow parents to attain an understanding about pedagogy regarding eLearning as well as relevant precautions and necessary support that you should provide, a short presentation on eLearning and guidelines families may wish to implement at home will be conducted during the vote counting at the AGM.


Interested parents who would like to join the Standing Committee Election please refer to the procedure and deadlines as follows:

·         Deadline of application:  noon, 2 September 2019 (Monday)

·         Returning Officer: Mr. Joseph HUI Wai Keung (Vice-Principal - Academic)

·         Methods of submission:

(1)   Via Reply slip of this eNotice;

(2)   Via emails, with necessary information, to Mr. CHAN Tong, Home-School Coordinator, at; or

(3)   Hard copy to the School Office.

·         Election notes:

(1)   Candidates should provide a written self-introduction (within 150 words in English or 300 words in Chinese) which will serve as solo official promotion to voters and will be posted up on the LSCPTA web site.).

(2)   Candidates are to conduct an oral self-introduction (within 2 minutes, either in English or Chinese) on stage on the Election Day.  

(3)   Candidates who can't attend the Election in person can send us a short video clip (within 2 minutes, either in English or Chinese, in MP3 or MP4 format) to be broadcast on the Election Day, if they prefer.

(4)   The Election will be conducted on one-parent/guardian-one-vote basis, in accordance with the new constitution.

(5)  Any enquiries, complaints or appeals related to the Election will be handled by the College.  The College retains the rights in interpretation of election documents and procedure, and in making final discretion.


 Our Home-School Coordinator, Mr CHAN Tong, will contact candidates on 2 September 2019 (Monday) for confirmation.  If candidates have not been contacted, they are to approach Mr. CHAN Tong at +852 9418 5911 on 3 September 2019 (Tuesday).  Candidates’ written self-introductions will be posted up on the LSCPTA web site starting from 3 September 2019 (Tuesday) for voters’ reference.


All PTA members are invited to attend the 26th Annual General Meeting & Standing Committee 2019-2020 Election on 6 September 2019 (Fri) to show support for the PTA.  

Thank you for your kind attention and generous support!

注意: 本通告只發給喇沙書院家長教師會會員,如閣下並非本會會員,











·         截止報名參選日期及時間:二零一九年九月二日(星期一)中午十二時

·         選舉主任:許偉強副校長(學務)

·         報名參選方法:

(1)  填妥在本電子通告的相關回條;

(2)  透過電郵遞交給本校家校合作主任陳唐老師(電郵地址:;或

(3)  將參選申請表親身遞交至本校校務處。

·         參選須知:

(1)  參選者須提交一份自我介紹(英文150字之內或中文300字之內),此自我介紹將會是選舉中唯一宣傳品。

(2)  參選者在選舉日將在台上作一段不超過兩分鐘的自我介紹(中文或英語) 

(3)  若參選者在選舉日未能親自出席,可選擇提交一段不超過兩分鐘的自我介紹短片(中文或英語,MP3 MP4 格式),此短片將在選舉日播出。

(4)  是次選舉將根據家長教師會新憲章進行,每位已在學校註冊的家長會員和老師會員都擁有一票投票權。

(5) 有關選舉條文的闡釋,選舉投訴或上訴等事務,將由喇沙書院校方秉公處理並作最終的解釋及決定。


陳唐老師將於二零一九年九月二日(星期一)聯絡報名參選的家長,以作確認;若參選者於當日仍未收到通知,請於二零一九年九月三日(星期二)致電 +852 9418 5911 與陳唐老師聯絡。參選者的自我介紹,將於二零一九年九月三日(星期二),上載於喇沙書院家長教師會網頁,以供家長參考。




Yours faithfully,


TONG Wun Sing 唐煥星


Principal, La Salle College  喇沙書院校長


18 La Salle Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Copyright © 2015 La Salle College Parent Teacher Association.
All rights reserved.