28 Sep 2019 (Sat) |
Dear Parents,
On behalf of the La Salle College Parent Teacher Association (LSCPTA), we are pleased to inform you that there are two candidates validly nominated for the La Salle College Incorporated Management Committee (LSCIMC) Parent Manager Election 2019-2020. They are (in alphabetical order):
Candidate 1: Mr. Paul CHAN Pui Luen
Candidate 2: Mr. Willie WONG Chak Yin
Attached please find introductions of the two candidates for your reference.
According to LSCIMC Election Ordinance, the Election will be arranged as follows:
Parent Manager Election Day: 28 Sep 2019 (Sat)
Returning Officer:
Counting of votes:
Announcement of election results: After vote counting, the election results will be posted up on the LSCPTA website
All registered parents are cordially invited to take part in the voting. For details please refer to the ‘LSCIMC Parent Manager Election Guidelines’ attached.
Important Notes:
1. All parents/guardians of the current students of LSC listed on the data base of the School Administration and Management System (SAMS) are eligible to vote. All legitimate parents attending will be asked to sign in. One ballot form will be handed over to each legitimate parent after sign-in.
2. Every parent should vote individually and should have only one vote irrespective of the number of children the parent has at LSC. Both parents of a student will each be given a ballot paper for voting. On request, a ballot paper may be given to the guardian of the student or the person who has the actual custody of the student.
3. A 2-minute self-introductory video of each candidate will be presented in the election venue on the Parent Manager Election Day.
4. Voting can only be done in person and only during the specified period of time in the Parent Manager election. No proxy will be allowed.
5. The voting will be conducted by a secret ballot. Voters should not put down their name or any other form of ID on the ballot form.
6. The candidate who obtains the greatest number of votes will be nominated for registration as the Parent Manager whereas the one who obtains the next greatest number of votes will be nominated for registration as the Alternate Parent Manager.
7. Any enquiries, complaints or appeals related to the Election will be handled by the College. The College retains the rights in interpretation of election documents and procedure, and in making final discretion.
We are looking forward to attaining your invaluable participation in the voting. For enquiries please feel free to contact Mr. CHAN Tong, Home-School Coordinator, at chan.t@lasalle.edu.hk.
Thank you for your attention.
Yours faithfully,
Home-School Coordinator
TONG Wun Sing
Principal (Endorsed 19 / 09 /2019)
(This is an electronic document and it does not require a signature.)
No reply slip is needed
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