News & Events
22 Mar 2014 (Sat)
LSC PTA 20th Anniversary Dinner - March 22

Dear Parents,
You are cordially invited to the 20th Anniversary Dinner of the LSC PTA, on Saturday March 22. Detail please refer to the below notice :
and reply slip :

Dr. Steven WONG               Br. Steve Hogan 
Chairman, LSCPTA            Principal

News & Events

22 Mar 2014
LSC PTA 20th Anniversary Dinner - March 22

Dear Parents,
You are cordially invited to the 20th Anniversary Dinner of the LSC PTA, on Saturday March 22. Detail please refer to the below notice :
and reply slip :

Dr. Steven WONG               Br. Steve Hogan 
Chairman, LSCPTA            Principal

18 La Salle Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Copyright © 2015 La Salle College Parent Teacher Association.
All rights reserved.