02 May 2015 (Sat) |
Recipient: All Form 1 – 5 parents and students
Circular No: PTA-021/14-15
Title: Joint-school PTA Visit to the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) Education Path
Start Date: Immediate
End Date: 26 Apr 2015
Notify Form 1 - 5 parents using email: Yes
Notify Form 1 - 5 students using email: Yes
Dear Parents & Students,
While fastening your seatbelt before landing and after take-off of your overseas travel, have you ever thought of the air traffic management and information exchange between your flight and ground personnel, to ensure your journey is pleasant and safe? The Civil Aviation Department (CAD) Headquarters is located at the Hong Kong International Airport. CAD Divisions scattered over different parts of Hong Kong in the past were relocated under one roof in December 2012 to provide efficient one-stop service to the aviation community and the general public.
The CAD Headquarters is constructed with three main design themes, namely "Sustainability", "Environmental Friendliness" and "Education". Over 30% of the site area and the roof of the Headquarters is landscaped. With a view to arousing the interest of the general public in aviation, an Education Path inside the CAD Headquarters features a variety of themed exhibits including the history of Hong Kong’s aviation development, an introduction to the CAD and the aviation community, aviation and aircraft knowledge as well as the operations behind air traffic control.
This visit will provide an opportunity to members to understand the operation of Civil Aviation in Hong Kong through the tour of exhibition galleries within the Education Path. The visit is jointly organized with Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section) Parent-Teacher Association.
Details of the Visit are as follows:
Date: 2 May, 2015 (Saturday)
Time: 2pm to 5:45pm
Venue: CAD Headquarters, 1 Tung Fai Road, Lantau, HK International Airport
Dress Code: Casual wear (Shorts, sandals, slippers, and indecent clothes are NOT allowed)
Fee: $50 (including transportation to and from airport)
Max. No. of participants: 40 students from each school (by ballot if over-subscribed)
Assembly time & place: 1:30pm at LSC Garden
Dismissal time & place: Around 5:45pm, outside Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section)
Parents of interested students please enrol for your son via eNotice on or before 26 April, 2015 (Sun). Please submit a cheque, payable to “LSCPTA”, to the PTA Collection Box at the School Office on or before 27 April, 2015 (Mon). Please write your son’s name, class, contact number and “CAD Visit” on the back of the cheque. Successful applicants will be notified by PTA on or before 29 April, 2015 (Wed). No cancellation or refund once application is accepted.
For enquiry please feel free to contact Mr CHAN Tong, our Home-School Coordinator, at ct@lasalle.edu.hk . Thank you for your kind attention.
「民航處教育徑」位於香港國際機場民航處總部大樓,裡面設有3個展覽廳,主樓地面的展覽廳概述了香港的 航空發展歷史,讓訪客了解香港如何發展成為今日的區域航空樞紐。此外,透過相片展廊,大家除了可以認識香港航空發展的里程碑:例如1911年的首次動力飛行、1946年民航處成立、1998年香港國際機場徹夜搬遷、2011年香港航空界打破健力士紀錄,及2012年民航處新總部投入服務等;也可以了解飛機的總組裝過程、機身結構、發動機運作、客艙安全、航空保安、危險品和違禁物品類別、跑道設施、航空交通管制、飛行記錄儀、意外事故調查及航空業相關的環保措施等。
地點:香港大嶼山香港國際機場東輝路 1 號香港政府民航處總部
人數:每校各 40人(若參加人數多於40人,本會將抽籤決定)
服裝:便服 (不宜穿著背心、短褲、涼鞋及拖鞋)
費用:$50 (包括來回機場交通費用)
我們誠邀各位出席是次參觀,請於4月26日(星期日)或之前,填妥在「電子教室」的報名表;並於4月27日(星期一)或之前,將支票(抬頭為”LSCPTA”)交往設在校務處之家教會收集箱內;支票背面請寫上 貴子弟姓名、班別、聯絡電話及“CAD Visit”。本會將在4月29日(星期三)或之前,通知成功申請的同學。如有查詢,請發電郵至 ct@lasalle.edu.hk 與本校家校合作主任陳唐老師聯絡。報名一經接納,繳付之款項恕不退還。
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Alan LUI Chi Hung 呂志雄
Chairman, LSCPTA 喇沙書院家長教師會主席
Br. Steve HOGAN 賀敬修士
Principal 校長